As a client of Family Service Association, you have the following rights:
- To be treated with dignity and respect.
- To be actively involved in any plan that may be developed for you.
- To withdraw from the Debt Management Plan after written notification to the agency.
- To have complaints addressed in a timely manner.
- To speak freely in an appropriate manner and to have your concerns addressed.
- To ask questions and be informed of your rights as a client of Family Service Association.
We are committed to providing you with high quality professional services. However, if you are not satisfied with the services provided or if you want to make a complaint, we ask that you follow these guidelines:
- First, try to resolve the issue with the staff member involved giving them the specific information about your complaint. If this is not possible, or the issue is not resolved to your satisfaction, please write a letter or call the Executive Director of Family Service Association at 920/458-3784
- We may request a meeting with you or seek more information from a staff person.
- We will respond within 15 days.
- Finally, if your issue is still unresolved, you may appeal directly by letter to the agency's Board President. After additional fact finding, the Board President with provide a concluding decision to you within 15 days.
Family Service Association shall not discriminate in the selection and participation of clients in its program with respect to race, religion, color, gender, age, national origin, sexual orientation, or disability. No criteria other than those required by funding sources or by federal or state law(s)shall be used to determine client eligibility. Clients who feel that they hae been discriminated against in the provision of services by Family Service Association on grounds of race, religion, color, gender, age, national origin, sexual orientation or disability have the right to appeal to the Executive Director. The Executive Director or Administrative Assistant will accept your written complaint and make an appointment with the Executive Director for you.
Family Service Association is committed to assuring the confidentiality of individuals and/or families who have contact with this agency. We realize that the concerns you bring to Family Service Association are highly personal in nature. We assure you that all information is shared both orally and in writing will be managed within legal and ethical considerations. This means that information will not be released to anyone except under the following conditions: All Clients
- To assist us in our work with you, our staff will seek supervision/consultation with professional colleagues within the agency ad where appropriate and necessary with other resources in the committee.
- For the purposes of evaluating our services, gathering valuable research information and designing future programs, Family Service Association may use case file information. Your anonymity will be maintained through the use of your client number or by using aggregate data.
- Credit Counseling Clients Only - We will confirm with your creditor if asked: verification of appointment, date of counseling and disposition, i.e 1) Will handle affairs on their own, or 2) Pending action.
- Debt Management Clients Only - We may disclose the following to your creditors: your address and home phone number if published, social security number, total debt information, net income, living expenses, a list of your creditors, personal information concerning your financial circumstances as needed, but not life-style or personal habits. Telephone numbers at work will not be given out. Place of employment will be verified only.
In all other situations, your information may be released to appropriate individuals or agencies only upon your written request or when served by subpoena.